Tuesday, March 25, 2014


What is happiness? 
As I walked into my sister's townhouse, I noticed, for what seemed like the first time, that buying things makes her happy. She has expensive taste (and let's be honest, who doesn't?) and she's not afraid to show it. As I walked past her expensive, over-sized swivel chair and made my way to her electric-footrested couch, I noticed her large 50" television and the plethora of toys she has bought for her four-year-old son over the years. She showed me the clothes and shoes she bought when she was on vacation. She showed me a picture on her new iPhone. She showed me her new Kindle Paperwhite, Wii U, iPad, etc. It was all so overwhelming. It's not that she can't afford these things (which in all honesty, I don't know if she can), it's the fact that these things honestly make her happy. But who am I to judge? As long as she doesn't have to borrow money from me (or a bank) in order to sponsor this euphoria, then it's okay, right? I think so.

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